Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane season is technically June 1 – November 1st, but the peak season for hurricanes is the end of August through October. This is...

Music on Main Street
Chatham: Monday’s on Main Main Street, Chatham (from the Rotary to the Chatham Inn at 359 Main), Mondays until August 20th, 5:30PM to...

March Comes in Like a Lion...
They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, and that adage has certainly proved true this year! Four nor’easters...

CCT&L Job Fair!
Cape Cod Tree & Landscape is hosting a Job Fair on Thursday, February 8th from 4PM to 6PM. Stop by and say hello!

Cape Cod Tree and Landscape Rings in the New Year at a NEW Location!
Cape Cod Tree & Landscape Inc. is excited to announce that we have moved to a new location at 39 George Ryder Road in West Chatham! Stop...

Cape Cod Holiday Events
Cape Cod Tree & Landscape Presents: Cape Cod Holiday Events Rockin’ Round the Christmas Tree: Drummer Boy Park, Route 6-A, Brewster, Dec....

Fall Clean-Ups and November Fun!
The idea behind a fall clean-up is not only to remove all the fallen leaves and twigs that accumulate each autumn, but to prepare your...

Cape Cod Fall Festivals and Halloween Celebrations
Fall is a time to observe the change of seasons. Although many cultures recognize a version of “All Hallow’s Eve” or “Day of the Dead”,...

A Little Tender Loving Care this Fall for a Better Lawn Next Summer
Now that fall is upon us we may feel as though we can finally park the lawn mower and just forget about our grass until next spring. ...

Cape Cod Garden Walks and Talks
Summer is winding down: Old Sol’s slanting rays give the days a golden quality and at night the crickets come out to sing us to sleep. ...