Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane season is technically June 1 – November 1st, but the peak season for hurricanes is the end of August through October. This is when you see the most hurricane action for the Cape and Islands. Hurricanes can be extremely dangerous, so it is best to prepare the best you can so when a hurricane hits you and your family are ready.
Emergency Kit
Make a safety kit for yourself and your family. A battery powered radio (or hand crank) is a must just in case you lose power to stay informed and connected to what is happening in regards to the storm. A flashlight, candles and matches will be helpful if you need to move to your basement and at night if you lose power. Remember to watch kids and pets around open flames. A first aid kit is a must complete with bandages, gauze, tweezers and antibacterial ointment are necessary just in case someone is hurt. Gather up some non-perishable foods for yourself and your family to eat while you wait out the storm if the power does go out.

Make sure that you check the health of the trees in your yard. If you suspect a tree is dead or is dying, call a professional tree company like Cape Cod Tree & Landscape to check your trees for you. One sign that your tree is dead is that it has stopped producing leaves. Do a little exam on your trees by inspecting the trunk of your tree. If you notice little holes in your tree and the trunk sounds hollow when you knock on it, you want to have someone come and check it out right away because it is most likely dead. A dead tree is a ticking time bomb. Add the strong winds from a hurricane, and it could come crashing down on your house or your neighbor’s house.
Check your Structure
It's important that you check your home to make sure that the structure is secure and sound. Loose shingles, siding or shutters could pose a potential danger to you, your family or your neighbors if it comes loose during a storm. Call the professionals at Belcape Construction to check your home and repair any damaged siding or shingles.

Secure Outside Equipment
Before a storm, it is important that you put away all of your outdoor furniture and anything else you might have in your yard such as toys, trash cans and lawn equipment. High winds turn outdoor furniture and toys turn into dangerous projectiles during a hurricane. Put all of your outdoor furniture and outdoor equipment in your shed or in the basement.

Know Your Home
Are you in a flood zone? If you are, you will probably have to evacuate your home if coastal flooding is predicted in your area. Stay away from windows during the storm if you haven’t boarded them up. Of course it is ideal to ride out a storm at home, but sometimes the hurricane is so severe, staying at home is not an option. Familiarize yourself with where the closest emergency shelters are located just in case conditions get so bad you are not able to stay home.

Make it Fun
If you have kids, make sure they have their lovies, or whatever toys will comfort them during what could be a very scary time for them. Gather up some games and coloring books to pass the time. This advice goes for pet parents too. Keep your fur children happy by bringing their favorite toys and some treats to keep them calm and entertained while you wait out the storm. Everyone is nervous when there is a big storm, children, pets and adults. If you bring something with you to the basement to enjoy during the hurricane, you will keep your mind off of this scary situation and enjoy this time together.

Hurricane Preparedness
Being prepared is the most important thing you can do for your family during a hurricane. Before hurricane season starts, make sure you check your yard for potentially dangerous trees and have them removed as soon as possible. This will protect your home and your neighbor’s home from damage that could cost you more than just money. Put together a kit along with some non-perishable foods and keep it in the basement so you do not have to run around when an emergency hits.