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Fall Landscaping Guide

The fall months are a favorite time of year on Cape Cod for many reasons. The weather is mild, roads are less congested, and our landscaping is still in good shape! Take advantage of this beautiful time of year and spend some time preparing your yard and garden for the current season and the next growing season. This is a guide to how to prep your space for the upcoming early spring season and what you can plant now so you may enjoy your yard before the cold winter takes over.


Cut yellowing or brown perennials to the ground in order to improve the look of your garden. If you have a self-seeding Rose of Sharon, now is the time to trim them down to the seed pods. This will prevent a future weeding problem you would otherwise encounter in future months. You may do this by pruning 6-16 inches of stem, taking care of the seed pods for the next growing season.


Now is the time of year to plant all of the bulbs that will start popping up in the early spring months. The fall is also the best time to plant trees and shrubs in your yard. Planting trees and shrubs in the fall months, before the frost establishes the plant’s roots before the harsh winter months, making them strong enough to withstand the elements. Mulching around the base of the trees and shrubs will help give the roots extra protection during the winter. Remember to remove any protective coverings that may be around the root the nursery may have placed on the root to protect them in transport.

Herbs and Garden

October is the month to plant your garlic in New England, so don’t hesitate to get it started. Garlic cloves need to be exposed to the cold ground before they will begin to grow in the spring months. Other herbs such as lavender, fennel, wild strawberries, lemon balm and rosemary should also be planted during the fall so they are ready to sprout up in the growing spring season. To plant these herbs, you could either use cuttings from existing plants or plant new seedlings.

Add Color

The fall and winter month gardens typically look dead and worn after their fruitful spring and summer months. Once you cut down your yellowing or browning perennials, add some color and life to your yard by replacing it with seasonal plants. Mums, peonies, ornamental kale and cabbage are all plants that thrive during the chilly fall months and provide plenty of life and color to your landscape.

Fall Landscaping Guide

The cool sunny fall months are the perfect time to prep your landscape for the upcoming growing season. The temperatures are mild, so it gives your plants a chance to establish some roots and get a head start before the harsh winter months hit. While prepping for the spring, take the time to convert your yard to a fall and winter friendly space by replacing your yellow and brown plants with some season friendly plants. To get ideas for your yard, contact the gardening crew at Cape Cod Tree & Landscape. Their artful eye and knowledge of the plants that thrive this time of year will make your home stand out from the others on the block!

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